Benefits Planning Services Banner

Starr Benefits Planning provides virtual and in-person benefits planning services to customers of state vocational rehabilitation and services for blind persons and through the WIPA cooperative agreement. We have one fully trained staff member (Virginia Commonwealth University) and one pending completion of the training.

Social Security Disability Services Banner

Starr Disability Advocates provides non-attorney legal representative services to clients nationally, to apply for disability benefits and when needed appeal their decisions and represent them at hearing with an Administrative Law Judge.

Employment Network Services Banner

Able Ready Employment Network Counselors work with job seekers as they progress in the Ticket To Work milestones. We help participants deal with local SSA offices, making it easy to get started. Our office has been providing vocational rehabilitation and Social Security Disability representation services for over 15 years.

Vocational Medical Case Management Services Banner

Vocational Case Management services are provided for sick or injured employees unable to return to work in their original job. Medical Case management is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation, care coordination, evaluation, and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s and family’s comprehensive health needs.

Benefits Planning Services Banner

Starr Benefits Planning provides virtual and in-person benefits planning services to customers of state vocational rehabilitation and services for blind persons and through the WIPA cooperative agreement. We have one fully trained staff member (Virginia Commonwealth University) and one pending completion of the training.

Social Security Disability Services Banner

Starr Disability Advocates provides non-attorney legal representative services to clients nationally, to apply for disability benefits and when needed appeal their decisions and represent them at hearing with an Administrative Law Judge.

Employment Network Services Banner

Able Ready Employment Network Counselors work with job seekers as they progress in the Ticket To Work milestones. We help participants deal with local SSA offices, making it easy to get started. Our office has been providing vocational rehabilitation and Social Security Disability representation services for over 15 years.

Vocational Medical Case Management Services Banner

Vocational Case Management services are provided for sick or injured employees unable to return to work in their original job. Medical Case management is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation, care coordination, evaluation, and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s and family’s comprehensive health needs.